Students should arrive at the school at least five minutes before the first bell is rung.
This Diary should be brought to school each day.
All the students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all class days, examination days, and for all school functions in and outside the school. A boy/girl who is slovenly dressed may be sent home.
No books (except for text books or school library books), magazines, papers or comics, and CDs may be brought to the school without the Principal’s permission.
Exchange of articles or money transaction between students is not allowed.
Any damage to any property must be made good.
Cycle must be locked and kept in the place allotted. Only those with valid driving licence will be allowed to bring vehicles (mopeds, scooters and motorcycles) Four wheelers are not permitted.
Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
Every student is expected to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in conduct, good manners, and cleanliness both in and out of the school.
For the preservation of their own health the children are requested not to patronize hawkers and street vendors,
Student are forbidden to bring Mobiles/ Cameras, CDS, I-pods etc. to the school. Once confiscated, they will not be returned.
They are also forbidden to bring transistors, crackers, explosives, and other dangerous materials to the school. Students are liable to be dismissed for such violation.